5d - Powered Coaching Stock - Diesel Record No: 16973   

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Owner: Llangollen Railcar Group Number(s) Carried:  M 56223
Website: http://llangollenrailcars.co.uk/  Previous Number(s):  L213, 54223
Location: Llangollen Railway  Number as Built:   54223
Address: The Station, Abbey Road, Llangollen LL20 8SN, SJ 214422. Llangollen Shed LL20 8SW, SJ 212422. Carrog LL21 9BD, SJ 118435. Glyndyfrdwy LL21 9HF, SJ 150428. Pentrefelin Sidings  
County: Wales Denbighshire  Name Carried: 
Website: http://www.llangollen-railway.co.uk  Previous Names: 
Origin: Type: Design: Gauge: Livery:
British Railways Bogie Driving Trailer Lavatory Composite Dmu 108 DTCL Low Density Std Green
Builder: Works Plate / Year Diagram: Lot Num: Status:
Derby / 1959 640 30466 Operational
Pre-Preservation History:
Delivered to BR Llandudno Junction as a Power trailer as M56223. TOPS dia DS310. Renumbered 54223 in /83. Formed in Set L213. Withdrawn Old Oak Common 10/93.
Preservation Movements:
ex Old Oak, to Southall /93, to EARM 28/4/98, to K&DR 7/3/00, to EARM 10/05, to Llangollen 2/10
Other Notes:
David Beardmore

 Photographers Notes:

Seen at the East Anglian Railway Museum on 21.06.09, now at the LLangollen Railway
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