9a - Pre Group Wagons Record No: 28794   

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Owner: Unknown Number(s) Carried: 
Website:  Previous Number(s):  RNAD368
Location: Peak Rail  Number as Built:   
Address: Rowsley South Station, Off Harrison Way, Matlock. DE4 2LF. SK 262640. Darley Dale. SK 274626.  
County: Derbyshire  Name Carried: 
Website: http://www.peakrail.co.uk/  Previous Names: 
Origin: Type: Design: Gauge: Livery:
London & North Western Railway 20t 4w Goods Brake Van Verandah Ends Side Ducket Crystal Palace Std Grey
Builder: Works Plate / Year Diagram: Lot Num: Status:
Earlestown / 1917 17B Under Repair/Restoration
Pre-Preservation History:
Original I/d unknown. RNAD I/d
Preservation Movements:
From Buckinghamshire Railway Centre to Peak Rail by 01/22
Other Notes:
Mick Cottam

 Photographers Notes:

Buckinghamshire Railway Centre 25.04.18
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